Steinberg Cubase Pro 11 Upgrade from Cubase AI
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While Cubase AI offers a compact version of Cubase Pro, complete with great sounds, effects processors and more, eventually you will want to upgrade to the full version to produce truly professional music.
Upgrade to The Full Version of Cubase Pro 11 At A Discounted Price
With the Cubase Pro 11 Upgrade, you can go from Cubase AI and other streamlined versions of the software to the full version of Cubase Pro, while saving yourself a lot of money.
Including a huge range of virtual instruments, effects and thousands of sounds, Cubase Pro 11 has everything you need to produce music in any genre. Whether you're a complete beginner or a professional producer, Cubase Pro 11 has everything you need to turn your ideas into complete, finished music.
You Can Use Cubase Pro 11 Upgrade from Cubase AI From The Following Versions of Cubase:
- Elements
- LE (4 or higher)
- AI
- Essential
- Studio
- SX
- SL
- Sequel
Everything You Need for Professional Music
With a vast array of new features, workflow improvements and performance updates - Cubase Pro 11 is the latest Professional version of Steinbergs hugely popular Digital Audio Workstation, providing you with exciting new ways to explore and expand your creativity.
Suitable for all genres, levels and budgets, Cubase 11 Pro features over 3000 instrument sounds, 79 VST audio effect plug-ins, 256 physical inputs and outputs along with 256 group channels and 64 rack instruments, Cubase Pro 11 has everything you need to create and produce professional-level music from start to finish.
Cubase 11 New Features:
- New Sampler Track 2.0 Sample and slice your audio with just a click, with new LFO, legato and quality modes.
- New Scale Assistant Perfect for songwriters and performers. Set your song's scale, follow its lead and never hit a wrong note again!
- New Imager Utilize the multiband Imager to clean up your mix and take control of your stereo width.
- New Squasher Perfect for EDM, this dynamic up and down compressor is easy to use to enhance your mix.
- New SuperVision This fully customizable multi-meter audio analyser provides an accurate visual picture of your sound.
- New Inspiring Ready-to-Use Sample Packs from Grammy-winner 'Beat Butcha' and other top producers.
- And many more!
Cubase 11 Exclusive Pro Features
All versions of Cubase 11 share the same pristine sound quality and user-friendly experience that make Cubase one of the most popular recording and digital production workstations in the world. However, when purchasing the Pro version of Cubase 11, you are supplied with a much more diverse set of tools and features, tailored to better meet your professional requirements.
As well as all of the great standard and premium content, you'll have access to a multitude of new features, exclusive to Cubase 11 Pro:
- New Advanced Audio Export A unique new way to export and deliver your audio (tracks, buses, master, dry or not) all in a few clicks.
- New SpectraLayers One Visualise and clean up your audio with stunning results or lift a vocal straight from a track.
- New Frequency 2.0 EQ 8-Band Dynamic EQ and 4 side-chain inputs for creating space in your mix.
What Can Cubase Do For You?
As well as all of these great new innovative features, Cubase 11 Pro supplies you with the same high-quality experience that it always has. Built-up from Cubase 10.5, you'll be able to start creating your music, no matter what level you're at. Boasting industry-standard sound quality and workflows that boost efficiency and creativity without compromise, Steinberg Cubase 11 Pro is the perfect digital audio workstation that helps you reach your full creative potential.
Buy Cubase Pro 11 at PMT Online now and make music as you've never been able to before.
Steinberg Cubase 11 System Requirements:
Mac OS
- mac OS Catalina
- mac OS Mojave
- 64-bit Windows 10 (version 1909)
- 64-bit Windows 10 (version 2004)
- Intel Core i Series or AMD Ryzen multi-core (Intel i5 or faster recommended)
- 4 GB RAM (8 GB or more recommended)
- 35 GB free HD space
- 1440 x 900 display resolution (1920 x 1080 recommended)
- Graphics card with DirectX 10 and WDDM 2.0 support (Windows only)
- USB-A for USB-eLicenser (license management)
- OS-compatible audio hardware*
Note: An internet connection is required for activation, account setup and personal/product registration. A download is required for the installation.
Note: This software version does not support 32-bit plug-ins.
* ASIO compatible audio hardware recommended for low-latency performance.
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Studio / Recording , Music Software , DAW , Steinberg , Archived