
Studio Headphones are designed for professional recording and mixing applications. Designed to meet the demands of the modern producer, they have a flat natural and detailed sound that allows accurate referencing of audio.

The two main types of studio headphones are closed and open backPMT Online stocks a wide range from all the best brands including BeyerdynamicAKGYamahaMarshallSennheiser & more.


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  • Why are kick pedals so expensive?

    Some kick pedals cost more than others simply due to the high-quality materials, components, and craftmanship that goes into creating them. Investing in a solid kick pedal should set you up for many years.
  • How do double kick pedals work?

    Double kick pedals work in much the same way as a regular kick pedal, except that the second pedal is attached to another beater. This allows for patterns and rhythms that would be impossible with a single kick, as both feet are used to control the pedal.