Solid State Combo Amps

Solid state amps are more reliable and often require a lot less maintenance then their valve-based cousins. While a lot of musicians often prefer the raw tones that a valve amp can provide. Due to their affordability, lighter weight and therefore much easier to transport from gig to gig. There is definitely a case to be made for the Solid State Amp.


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Orange Crush solid state amps

Our range of Orange Crush amps contain full solid state circuitry and are designed for guitarists with a no-nonsense attitude for a quality analogue tone. Modeled on the excellent Rockerverb series of amplifiers. They are a highly versatile and reliable range of combo solid state amplifiers.

Fender Champion amps

With over a hundred years of amp making expertise, the music magicians at Fender, have created this incredible range of solid state amplifiers. They combine the classic fender tones with fantastic portability. Perfect for guitarists at any skill level.