Gibraltar GSSVR Stealth Rack

Gibraltar GSSVR Stealth Rack

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Do you want to make your drum setup feel the same every time you set for a gig and the breakdown be even slicker? Then the Gibraltar Stealth Rack is for you.

If you could clear out the corny rack system images the big guy's take on tour, they are mainly for the look and production value of the stage and lighting. This little beauty is for freeing up the floor space and simplifying your hardware.

The Stealth Rack is making a huge comeback, especially for the touring drummer, who wants to just throw their rack and stands in the back of a van with not much time, because they need to get ready for a line check.  at least your kit will feel super comfy and be neat at the side of the stage, even with getting your drums off the stage (also a fast act) and have one on either side or even just the busier side of your kit it is so much easier than going back for a couple of stands at a time.

In Use

  • I am taking a rather personal approach with this having used 2 myself. They are a god send. I'm fortunate enough to have a practice space, which it really isn't the biggest room!. We both utilise Stealth Racks and made so much more extra room!
  • Packing them up, they go flat into your hardware case/bag with room for the tops of your stands too, as regular stands you are battling with the double-braced legs, I found that it helps get rid of need-less weight so my hardware case doesn't feel like it's ending my soul when I'm loading it into the car/van.
  • What should have been the first point is this, you can see your glorious drum shells a lot clearer on stage. There is no point spending a load of money on something you are to cover in chrome?.
  • Once you've figured out how you want everything set, memory locks are all super tight. That's it you are done and ready to roll every night with a worry of space, stands moving around the stage, getting your kit up and ready to go. The rack is a brilliant investment, and more drummers should look into using this idea!

Gibraltar Stealth Rack Specifications

  • Height: 18.5"
  • Length: 30"
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